Despite a gloomy forecast, the weather was sunny and 60ish, heaven for those of us still dealing with snow and ice. And our hotel room (I splurged) had a stupendous view of the ocean, not to mention a balcony. We had some great outings to the Getty Villa, Point Dome, Crystal Cove State Park, and the Griffith Observatory, but frankly, the most wonderful thing was just listening to the pounding waves and watching the sunrise from our hotel room. Here's a link to more pics.
On the medical side of things: Today's clinic visit brought mixed news. My neutrophils, reds, and platelets are all pretty damned good (for me), but my doctor is worried about my elevated white blood count. It could be a sign of the leukemia progressing. If it doesn't go back down by Monday, we're going to switch to a new chemo drug when I begin Round 8. I find it hard to believe the leukemia is getting worse as I have felt better the past two weeks than I have since I relapsed in July. The next time I hear bad news, I hope to just close my eyes and hear the waves...