Saturday, September 6, 2008

Weekend update

Just a quick update to say that I'm still feeling well, hiking the river, and getting ready for Round 2 of Vidaza--which starts on Monday.

Meanwhile, one of the neatest people--of the many neat people--I've met in my transplant journey just passed away. Debbi Hoegler was a major force on a listserve I'm on for anyone contemplating or dealing with a bone marrow transplant (BMT-Talk at She was incredibly funny, irreverent, inspirational, and witty. She always offered us the best advice--including silly but oh-so-wise tips like bring a rubber chicken to hang on your IV pole at the hospital or a Nerf Blaster Gun for nurses who barge in at 4 am to take your vitals. Two of her favorite sayings were:
Blessed are the cracked for it is they who let in the light.
If you're not living on the're taking up too much space.
Everyone on the list misses her terribly.

Here's to Debbi and the other wonderful people I've known who have fought so graciously against cancer.